- Mezhep
kaçtır? Nelerdir?
- İkidir.İtikatta
mezhep, amelde mezhep.
- Itikattaki
mezhep imamları
kaçtır? Kimlerdir?
- İkidir.
İmam Ebu Mansur Muhammed Matüridi ve İmam Ebü'l Hasani'l Eşari.
- Amelde
mezhep kaçtır?
- Dörttür.
Hanefi, Şafii, Maliki, Hanbeli mezhepleridir.
- İtikatta
mezhebin nedir?
- Ehl-i
sünnet ve cemaat mezhebidir.
- Amelde
mezhebin nedir?
- Hanefi
- İtikattaki
imamı kimdir?
- Ebu Mansur
Muhammed Matüridi Hazretleridir.
- Diğer
üç mezheptekilerin
imamı kimdir?
- Ebü'l
Hasani'l Eşari Hazretleridir.
- Fasık
- Allah’ın
emir ve yasaklarına riayet etmeyen
kimseye denir.
- Fitne
- İyi
veya kötü şeylerle
deneme, manevî
çöküntü, sosyal kargaşa ve kaos demektir.
- Fıkıh Nedir?
- Kişinin
amel yönünden faydasına ve zararına
olan şeyleri bilmesidir.
- How
many types of canonical school (madhab) are
- There are
two types.
- How
many founding
imams are there in the schools of faith? What are they?
- There are
two imams. Imam Abu Mansuri Maturidi and Imam Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari, may
Allah be pleased with them.
- How
many schools of Deed are there? What are they?
- There are
four schools of deed. They are the Hanafi, Shafii, maliki and Hanbalii
- What
is your school of faith?
- My school
of faith is Ahli-Sunnah-wal-Jam'aah.
- What
is your school of deed?
- My school
of deed is Hanafi.
- Who is
the imam of our school of faith?
- Imam Abu
Mansur Muhammad Maturidi is the imam of our school of faith.
- Who is
the imam of the school of faith of those
who are from the Shafii, Maliki and Hanbali schools?
- Their imam
is Abu'l Hasan al, Ashari.
- Whatis
Fasiq (Impious)?
- It is the name of
a person who is heedless to God’s Commands and prohibitions.
- What is Fitna?
- It
means a
with the good or bad things, moral collapse, social upheaval and chaos.
- What
is Fıqh
- It is a person’s
knowledge of what
deeds are for his benefit and what are for his harm.