Dua - Supplication  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14  15  16

Namazları bitirip  selam verdikten sonra,  "Allahumme ente's-selamu ve min-ke's-selam tebârekte yâ ze'l Celali ve'l-İkram" denilir.

Sonra "Ala Resulinâ salâvât" diye salâvat-i şerife getirilerek arkasından:  "Sübhanellahi ve'lhamdü lillahi ve lâ ilâhe illallahu vellahu ekber ve lâ-havle ve lâ-kuvvete illâ billâhil aliyyi'l-azim" denilir.

Bundan sonra, bir "Ayete'l-kürsi" okunur.

Ardından, 33 kere "Sübhanellah", 33 kere "Elhamdülillah", 33 kere "Allahu Ekber" dedikten sonra, "Lâ ilahe illallahu vahdehu lâ şerike leh lehül-mülkü ve lehü'l,hamdü ve hüve alâ külli şeyin kadîr" diyerek eller kaldırılır, dua ve niyazda bulunulur.  

After the completion of any ritual prayer expresions recited:
"Allahumma, anta's salam wa minkas'salm, Tabarakta ya dhal Jalali wa'l Ikram"
Meaning: Oh my Allah! You are peace and from You comes peace, Blessed are You, O Prossesor of Majesty and Honour.

After this expression, "Subhanallah, wal hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha ill'Allahu wal lahu akbar, Wa la hawla wa la quw'wata illa billah il aliy'yil adhim"
Meaning: Glory be to Allah, and praise be to Allah, and there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Most High. It is only by the assistance, help and power of Allah the Most Great that we give up  rebelling and turn to obeying Allah the Lord.
After wards, one recites the verse (ayah) of "Ayat al Kursi"

And then recites:
The expression of glorification of Allah (Subhan'Allah) 33 times, The formula of praise to Allah (Alhamdulillah) 33 times, The formula of magnification of Allah (Allahu Akbar) 33 times.  Then the following expression is recited: "Allahu Akbar, La ilahe ill'Allahu wahdahu la sharika lah, Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumit, Wa huwa Hayyun la yamutu biyadihil khayr, Wa huwa ala kulli shay'in Qadir"

Meaning: Allah the Lordis the Most Great, There is no god but Alalh, Alalh is the Only one, and has no partner, The earth and the whole heavens are in his (divine) posession, to him belongs the Praise, Alalh is the One who gives life and gives death, and Hei s the Living One, Who dies not, Goodness in His Hands, and he has power over everything.

Following these expression, one raise the hands and supplicates to Allah the Most Great.

Namaz Duaları -  Al - Dua Salat

Ettehiyyatü, "Ettehıyyâatü lillahi vessalevâatü vettayibâatü esselâmüaleyke eyyühennebiyyü ve rahmetüllâhi ve berakâatühüü esselâamü aleynâa ve alâa ıbâadillâhis salihıyn   Eşhedü ellâa ilâahe illallâah ve eşhedü enne Muhammeden abdühüü ve rasüülüh",

Manası:Her türlü kavli, bedeni ve mali ibadetler Allah'a mahsustur. Ey şânı yüce Peygamber, selam ve Allah'ın rahmetiyle bereketleri senin üzerine olsun ve selam bizlere ve Allah'ın  sâlih kulları üzerine olsun. Ben şehadet ederim ve (yakinen bilirim) ki, Allah'tan başka hiçbir ilâh yoktur. Ve şehadet ederim ki Hazret-i Muhammed Allh'ın kulu ve Resûlüdür.
Al-Tahiyyah, "At-tahiy'yatü  lil'lahi  was'salawatu wat'tay'yibatu, Assalamualayka ay'yuhan'nabiy'yu wa Rahmatul'lahi wa barakatuhu,  Assalamu alaina wa ala ibadil'lahissaliihin,   Esh'hadu anla ilahe ill'Allah, Wa esh'adhu an'na Mohammed'en abduhu wa Rasuluhu.

Translation: "All kinds of verbal, bodily and financial devotions (ibadah) belongto Allah. Greeting is to thee, O Prophet (s.a.s.) and the mercy and bleising of Allah. Peace be upon us and on the righteous slaves of Allah. I bearwitness that there is no  god but Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad (s.a.s.) is His slave and messenger. 

Allahumme Salli, "Allahümme salli alâa Muhammedin ve alâa âali Muhammedin kemâa salleyte alâa ibraahiyme ve  alâa âali ibrahiyme  inneke  hamiydüm meciyd",
Manası: Allah'ım  Hz. Muhammed ve âline , Hz. İbrahim'e ve âline rahmet ettiğin gibi rahmet eyle.

Allahumma Salli, "Allahumma salli ala Muhamedin wa ala ali Muhammadin kama sallayta ala ali ibrahima in'naka hamid' un'majid"
Translation: " O my Allah! Send grace and honor to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) and to  the members of the family of Muhammad (s.a.s.) as You have granted grace and honor to the prophet Abraham (a.s.) and to  the members of the family of Abraham (a.s.). Surely You ara All Praisewworthy, All Glorius"

Allahumme Barik, "Allahümme barik alâa Muhammedin ve alâa âali Muhammedin kemâa barekte alâa ibraahiyme ve  alâa âali ibrahiyme  inneke  hamiydüm meciyd",
Manası:Allah'ım  Hz. Muhammed ve âline, Hz. İbrahim'e ve âline mübarek kıldığın gibi mübarek kıl. 

Allahumma Barik, "Allahumma barik ala Muhamedin wa ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala ali ibrahima in'naka hamid' un'majid"
Translation: " O my Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad (s.a.s.) and to  the members of the family of Muhammad (s.a.s.) as You have blessed Abraham (a.s.) and to  the members of the family of Abraham (a.s.). Surely You ara All Praisewworthy, All Glorius" 

Rabbena Atina, "Rabbenâa âatina fiddünyâa hasenetev ve fil âahirati hasenetev ve kınâa  azâabennâar"
Manası: Ey Rabbimiz, bize dünyada ve ahirette iyi hal ver ve bizi o ateş azabından koru.

Rabbana Atina, "Rabbana atina fi'd dunya hasana'tan, wa fil akhirati hasana'tan, wa qina adhaban'nar."
Translation: " O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and in the hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the fire"

Rabbenâağfirlii, "Rabbenağfirlii ve livâa lideyye ve lil mü'miniyne yevme yekuumül hisâab"
Manası: Ey Rabbimiz, hesab günü geldiği zaman bizi mağfiret et. Anne ve babamı ve müninleri de mağfiret et. 

Rabbenagfirli, Rabb'anaghfirli, wa li waliday'ya, wa lil mu'minina Yawm'a yagumul hisab.
" O our Lord! Grant foregiveness to me when the Final Day of Judgemen comes, and to my parents and to the believers.