- Peygamberimizin
adı nedir?
- Abdullah'tır.
- Annesinin
adı nedir?
- Amine'dir.
- Dedesinin
adı nedir?
- Abdülmüttaliptir.
- Peygamberimiz
hangi tarihte doğdu ve hangi tarihte vefat etti?
- 571'de
doğdu Mekke'de doğdu, 632'de Medine'de vefat etti.
- Şimdi
nerde bulunuyor?
- Şimdi
Medine'de "Ravza-i Mutaharra" sındadır.
- Kaç
iken Peygamber oldu?
- 40
- Fiilen
kaç sene peygamberlik
- 23
sene peygamberlik yaptı.
- Hangi
tarihte nerden nereye
hicret etti?
- 622
tarihinde Mekke'den Medine'ye
hicret etti.
- Fani
hayatı kaç yaşında sona erdi?
- 63 yaşında
sona erdi.
- Peygamberimizin
en çok
kullanılan ismi nedir?
- Hazret-i
Muhammed Mustafa sallallahü aleyhi
ve sellem'dir.
- Peygamberimizin
kaç adı vardır?
- Güzel
isimleri çoktur. Fakat dördünü bilmek
Bunlar: Muhammed, Mustafa, Ahmed, Mahmud
- Peygamberimizin
oğlu doğdu?
- Üç.
Kasım, Abdullah (Tayyip),
İbrahim (r.a) hazretleridir.
- Peygamber
kaç erkek torunu vardır?
- İki.
Hasan ve Hüseyin (radıyallahü
anhuma) hazretleridir.
- Bunlar
kimin çocuklarıdır?
- Hz.
Ali ve Hz. Fatıma (r.a.)'nındır.
- Peygamberimizin
mübarek hanımlarını sayarmısın?
- Hz.
Hatice, Hz. Sûde bint-i
Zem'a, Hz.
Aişe, Hz.Hafsa, Hz.Zeynep
b.Huzeyme, Hz.Ümmi Seleme, Hz.
Zeynep binti Cahş, Hz. Cuveyriye, Hz.Ümmü
Habibe, Hz.Safiyye, Hz.Meymune, Hazreti Mariye,
- Peygamberimizin
bizim neyimiz olur?
- Onlar bütün
müminlerin annesidir.
- Peygamberimizin
hanımı kimdir?
- Hz.Hatice
(r.a.) validemizdir. Efendimizden 15 yaş
olup 25 sene beraber hayat sürmüştür.
- Peygamberimizin
hanımı kimdir?
- Hz. Aişe
(r.a.) validemizdir.
- Peygamberimizin
53 yaşından
sonra evlenmesinin sebep ve hikmetlerinin bazılarını sayarımsınız?
- Peygamberimiz,
İslamiyete bağlanmalarını temin, ayrıca kadınlara ait hükümleri
vasıtasıyla yaymak, bazılarını sefaletten kurtarmak, bazılarının ise
ve namuslarını korumak için onlarla evlenmiştir. Asıl hikmet ve gaye
vasıtasıyla İslam'ı yaymaktır.
- Peygamberimizin
en son
vefat eden eşi kimdir?
- Hz. Aişe
- Gelmiş
ve gelecek insanların
en yücesi kimdir?
- Peygamberimiz
Muhammed Mustafa Sallallahü aleyhi
ve sellem'dir.
- Ashâb
Ne Demektir?
- Hz.Peygamberimizi
gören ve onunla sohbet eden müslümanlardır
- What
is the name of the father of our Prophet have?

- Abdullah.
- What
is his mother's name?
- Amina.
- What
is his grandfather's name?
- Abdulmuttalib.
- Where
our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) born and died, when?
- He
was born in Makkah in 571 C.E. and died in 632 C.E. in Madinah.
- Where
is his tomb?
- He was laid
to rest in his tomb in the Mosque of the Prophet (Rawza al-Mutaharra)
in Madinah.
- How
old was he when he was given the Prophetwood?
- His
prophetwood became a fact when he was 40 years old.
- How
many years did he serve as a Prophet?
- He
performed his prophetic duties for 23 years.
- When
did our Prophet (s.a.s.) emigrate from Makah
to Madinah?
- He
emigrated in 622 C.E.
- When
did his temporary life end?
- It ended
when he was sixty-three.
- What
is the
most common name of the Prophet (s.a.s.)?
- His most
common name is muhamad (peace and blessing be upon him)
- How
many names does
our Prophet have?
<>He has mny
beautiful names. We should know at least four of them: Muhammad
(s.a.s.), Mustapha (s.a.s.), Ahmad (s.a.s.) and Mahmoud (s.a.s.).
- How
many daughters did he have?
- He had four
daughters. Zeyneb (r.a.), Ruqayyah (r.a.), Umm Kulthum (r.a.), Fatimah
- How
sons did he have?
- Three sons
were born to him: Qasim (r.a.), Abdullah (or Tayyib) (r.a.),
- How
many grandsons did he have?
- He had two:
Hassan (r.a.) and Hussayn (r.a.)
- Whose
children were they?
- They were
Ali's (r.a.) and Fatima's (r.a.) children.
- Would
you list the names of the Azwaj al-Tahirah, that is blessed wives of
our Prophet (s.a.s.)?
- Khadijah
(r.a.), Sawdah (r.a.), A'isha (r.a.), Hafsah (r.a.), Zaynab bint
Khuzaymah R.a.), Umm Salamah (r.a.), Zaynab binti Jahsh (r.a.),
Juwayriyah R.a.), Umm Habibah (r.a.), Safiyyah (r.a.), Maimaunah
(r.a.), Mariyah (r.a.).
- Who
was the first wife of our Prophet (s.a.s.)?
- Khadijah
(r.a.) was the first wife of our Prophet (s.a.s.). She was 15 years
older than our Prophet (s.a.s.) and they lead a happy life together for
25 years.
- What
was the last
wife of our Prophet?
- A'isha
- Would
you list some of the reasons why our Prophet
(s.a.s.) got married after the age of 53?
- Our Prophet
(s.a.s.) got married in order to connect various tribes with
Islam, communicate Islamic principles about women through his blessed
wives, to save some of them from poverty, and to protect the chasity
and purity of some others. The main aim was to spread Islam
through women.
- Which
one of his wives died last?
- Her
excellency A'isha (r.a.) died last.
- Who is
the most distinguished and excellent man
that came or will come to the world?
- Our Prophey
Muhammad Mustapha (s.a.s)
- What
is Ashab?
- They
are the Muslims who saw the Prophet and
had conversation with him.